How To Play


This Wednesday Night League Points Game uses a modified Stableford format with some differences.

1. Play of 2 MAN teams in the weekly league will be randomly assigned to play together Wednesday morning.

2. The WEEKLY entry fee is $10 / player for each 2 man team ($20 total). The weekly fee MUST BE PREPAID IN TOTAL AT THE START of THE SEASON.

3. The SEASON LONG FEE to be eligible for the playoffs is $150/person.

4. The Season Runs from May 1 to August 21
One final 18 hole playoff for top money winners. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28th.  The final teams for playoffs will be determined by top  “money winning “ teams during the season. Playoffs must be played with original team members, not with substitutes. Playoffs will utilize modified points system, team with most points wins and plays in finals.

Players are eligible to play in the weekly game for weekly stakes at ANY time in any combination. Their performance and points quota will be kept on the site and adjusted accordingly as long as they pre-pay the $10/man fee.

5. Each team (twosome) plays as a Team against all other teams that sign up and play that week.

6. Each player is awarded points based on his gross score for each hole as follows:

a. Double-bogey or higher: 0 points
b. Bogey: 1 point
c. Par: 2 points
d. Birdie: 4 points
e. Eagle: 8 points
f. Albatross: 16 points

7. Each Team member adds up his player points for the 9 holes for a CUMULATIVE score that is applied against his WEEKLY ADJUSTED quota, which can be a positive OR negative number. The team CUMULATIVE result is used to determine the winner of that week.

8. QUOTAS: Each player will be assigned a point goal (or quota) for the 9 holes. The point goals for each players on the TEAMS are posted to the site based on the previous week’s play.

9. Example:
Player A has a point quota of 12 points
Player B has a points quota of 6 points
In this example Player A and Player B make up a team:
Player A, MAKES his quota
1 birdie = 4 points, 3 pars = 6 points, 4 bogies = 4 points, 2 doubles = 0 points
14 points total is 2 points over quota or +2 points
Player B MISSES his quota
0 birdies = 0 points, 1 par = 2 points, 3 bogies = 3 points, 5 doubles = 0 points
5 points total is 1 point under quota or -1 points
The team quota would then be +1
Ties will be broken with a head to head scorecard, best ball NET hole by hole sudden death determination, starting on the first hole and comparing forward.

The teams with the most points TO QUOTA are the money winners for the week.

The top 4 money winners will play in the Playoffs for the final 2 weeks at the end of the season
Playoff dates to be announced

The Weekly Payout for the teams will be:
1st: 70% of the weekly pay in. 2nd: 25% of the weekly pay in. 3rd: 5% of the weekly pay in (rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

The first time you play, your assigned point quota is based on your handicap. Thereafter, handicaps are no longer used!

36-H = X/2= 1st quota assignment
(H is COURSE handicap from the player’s assigned tees which are determined but the course rules. Tees must be assigned and will be played consistently throughout the season.)

Quotas – will rollover from previous year – your quota at end of last year’s regular season will be quota to start this season -- new players will be assigned a quota

Your weekly point total assigned will be based on past performance. (See next Paragraph)

10. Point Quotas / Goals for Future Events:

Every week all players’ quotas will be adjusted based on their previous round in league play. If a player does not reach his quota in a given week, his quota will be lowered by one full point. If a player exceeds his quota their quota will be adjusted upward by half of the number of points scored over quota. For example, if a player shoots plus 6, next week his quota increases by 3. If a player exceeds his quota by an odd number, for example, 3, his 1.5 will be rounded up to the next whole number. This will ensure every player a FAIR shot at winning.

Course management reserves the right to make adjustments to a player’s quota as it deems appropriate, without question. We will protect our regular league players from sandbaggers. A 1 or zero point miss means no change. You will be able to see your point goal (or quota) on the web site under 'Player Quotas' when you sign up to play. Point goals will be updated weekly. AS OF THE 2024 SEASON THE MINIMUM QUOTA WILL BE 4.  NO INDIVIDUAL QUOTAS WILL BE LOWER THAN 4.

11. There is no limit on “handicap”! Scratch players as well as high handicap players are equally welcome and are equally competitive. Players will use assigned tee boxes based on new WCC Tee Box rules. Once decided, with some exceptions, you must use the same tee in all future Points Game events.

12. Common Sense Rules:
a. Pick up your ball if you cannot make bogey. Double bogey or higher earns no points.
(If you pick up, you MAY record your most likely score for handicap purposes).
b. If you’re putting for 1 or more points, you should use some discretion in giving putts (putts should not be given). More times than not, a two-foot putt needs to be putted out.
c. Speed of play. Given the typical lateness of the start time in the day, it is imperative that we maintain a maximum time of 2 hours for 9 holes of play. Additionally, you are to pick up your ball if you are past the quota level on that hole. IF there isn’t a group behind you waiting to hit you are certainly welcome to play your ball out.
d. Scorecards in the dedicated fore-somes must swap scorecards so that the opposite team is keeping the other team’s score. You are responsible for validating your score then after the round is complete before you turn your card in.
e. Scorecards are to be filled out for each person with a corresponding point written below each score. (see photo above)

f. Rain out policy –

WCC Wednesday League Rain Policy
Your team is expected to play. We will not dictate playability due to “forecasted” weather.  Show up ready to play because a forecast is rarely 100%.  Play until the club sounds the weather/lightning horn or if water is forming puddles on or around the greens.  If the sirens are sounded or casual water forces a stoppage of play, look at your cell phone’s weather app to determine how long the conditions will exist. If it’s more than approximately 45 minutes, call it a day. MARK YOUR CARD AS DNF (did not finish) and turn your card in.  

**** If a rainout or postponement should be announced by League Management, the "points / purse" for that week will be added to the season-long purse. We will require a minimum of 33% rounded up of the registered teams to finish that Wednesday to count the that Wednesday's round as completed.  There will be no need to make up a rainout week pairing. Simply move on to the next weeks pairing.
Quotas will not be adjusted if play is suspended and not finished. If play continues and is played out quotas will be adjusted accordingly for the teams that do finish. Any other circumstances or occurrences not expressly covered by this policy will be ruled on by the league co-chairmen in a way that is equitable and final.

g. Discrepancies – Play the ball down unless posted by the Course. All USGA Rules apply, except where noted above.